access to
health and
education for all

Faced with the multiplicity of causes and the scope of knowledge that still needs to be acquired in the field of nutrition, the Nutriset Group wanted to set up this new tool, a endowment fund, to allow us to finance more and more research, to multiply the partnerships and to generate and share new knowledge.

Presentation of the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund

In February 2021, the Nutriset Group decided to give another dimension to its action, by creating an Endowment Fund.

Initially, Nutriset

In 1986, Michel Lescanne created Nutriset based on the observation that millions of children die every year from malnutrition in poor countries, and that the international community remains unable to treat them due to a lack of appropriate treatments

The Nutriset group specialises in the research, development and production of foods with high nutritional value, designed to treat and prevent the various forms of malnutrition in the world. The group develops sustainable and responsible production systems that meet needs as closely as possible.

Explore complementary areas

The Group’s activity has always been based on scientific expertise and various collaborations, using its own resources and skills or in association with external research partners (nutrition, social sciences, food science).

In February 2021, with the aim of exploring areas complementary to its initial mandate, the Nutriset Group gave a new dimension to its action with the creation of a structure of public interest: the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund.


The origins of the Endowment Fund

The cross evolution of humanitarian aid, research and the Nutriset Group since its creation.

The 1980s

– World hunger is a recurrent issue in public opinion. Fortified milk formulas are tested in humanitarian crises.

– On May 1st, 1986, Michel Lescanne founded Nutriset.

The 1990s

– In 1992, the FAO and WHO convene the first International Conference on Nutrition.

– In 1994, the Rwandan genocide raised the issue of effective, large-scale treatment of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

– Nutriset proposed Plumpy’Nut®, a ready-to-use therapeutic food that was easy to store and distribute for community use.

The 2000s

-Faced with the explosion of needs, a continuum of aid is required from emergency to development. Nutrition becomes an intervention topic on its own

– From the notion of treatment, we move to that of prevention and Nutriset develops Nutributter in collaboration with the American university UC Davis.

The 2010s

– Humanitarian NGOs become major players in the management of humanitarian crises. Under the aegis of the WHO, which establishes nutrition standards for pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children from 6 to 24 months, the 1,000-day period from conception to the child’s second birthday focuses the attention of nutritionists. Nutriset is developing Enov’Mum and Plumpy’Mum for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Since 2010s

– The Lancet publie l’article ‘Effective interventions to address maternal and child malnutrition: an update of the evidence’ et met en lumière l’impact positif des SQ-LNS. Cette recommandation est un gage de reconnaissance de l’action du Groupe Nutriset depuis 35 ans auprès des populations les plus vulnérables pour leur permettre d’être en bonne santé et de mieux vivre par la nutrition.

– Le Fonds de dotation Groupe Nutriset est créé en 2021 pour aller plus loin dans cette mission et soutenir des recherches et des actions d’intérêt général en faveur d’une meilleure santé globale et éducation de ces populations.

The purpose of the Endowment Fund

The endowment fund implements directly, or indirectly through other non-profit organisations of public interest:

– Actions for the access of the greatest number to a good state of health and to education,

– Research activities in the field of science, nutrition, food science and human sciences and any other research topic related to health and education. With the aim of meeting the fundamental needs of populations in terms of education and health, it organises humanitarian actions or finances organisations eligible for sponsorship to carry out these actions.

The activities of the Endowment Fund

Directly or through partners, its missions are to support and organise actions in the fields of research, education and humanitarian aid:

– Organise research and training activities (support for case studies, theses, scientific publications), meetings, workshops, conferences and seminars;

– To set up partnerships with associations and foundations in the health and education spheres.

In 2021, the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund has identified cognition as the common thread of its initial activities.

At the end of this first cycle, another theme, with characteristics that correspond to the initially defined object, may become a new common thread.


Cognition: The process by which an organism acquires awareness of events and objects in its environment
(French dictionary LeRobert)
The Nutriset Group Endowment Fund sees in the exploration of the field of cognition and its interactions with food and nutrition, the possibility of supporting a wide range of multidisciplinary research and actions. Its vocation to improve access to good health for as many people as possible echoes the operational mandate of the group’s structures.

Development of cognitive abilities

Early childhood experts have shown that, to grow harmoniously and have the capacity to reach its full potential, a child needs to be provided with adequate nutrition, affection, protection and stimulation.

A child suffering from malnutrition (undernutrition or obesity), with little cognitive and socio-emotional stimulation, will see its development irreversibly affected. This is the case for nearly 43% of undernourished children under five in low- and middle-income countries, who do not receive the nutrition, protection and stimulation they need.

Cognitive, psychosocial and emotional stimulation of malnourished children must be complementary to nutritional care to promote recovery and reduce the developmental delays.

For the years 2022-24, the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund supports the NGO Ana-Nour to promote neuro-education in Africa.

Maintenance or restoration of cognitive abilities

A delay in physical growth or cognitive development can be seen both as a consequence of past deprivation and as an indicator of future poverty.

Undernutrition disrupts normal brain development, leading to widespread dysfunction in cognitive, psychological and behavioural functions. This can result in suboptimal school performance, reduced economic performance in adulthood, and emotional and social disorders.

Dysfunctions in executive functions (ability to focus on a goal, working memory, effective regulation of emotions), sometimes lead to significant cognitive decline in older people (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease) and could also be the cause of poor social or economic performance in survivors of severe acute malnutrition.

For the years 2022-24, the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund supports the Ex-Core project led by Professor Terrence Forrester in Jamaica.

The Nutriset Group Endowment Fund sees in the exploration of the field of cognition and its interactions with nutrition, the possibility of supporting a wide range of multidisciplinary research and actions.

The 1000 days
The first 1,000 days of a child’s life – from conception to age 2 – are a key concept for many scientists, who emphasise the importance of this key period for any individual
Show More
This sensitive period for child development and protection sets the stage for lifelong health and well-being¹. The aim is to propose recommendations to better support parents during this decisive phase for their child.

Playing, singing, telling stories, exploring nature, encouraging cultural and artistic stimulation, are essential to the development of the child. These non-material and socialising activities support the baby’s attention and help him or her to identify contexts, people and useful recurrences (such as those of language or natural laws).

(Extract from the Report of the Commission of the first 1000 days, expert commission chaired by Boris Cyrulnik, Ministry of Solidarity and Health, September 2020)

Nutriset Group Endowment Fund projects
EXPLORE - Taste acquisition

How are food preferences formed in our children ? Is taste an innate sense or can it be developed and even educated ?

In March 2022, a study was launched to investigate the connection between food and cognition, focusing particularly on the factors that influence taste acquisition.
The subject, led by Aurore Pointet, a student at the University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès studying food sociology, is a cross between neuroscience and taste education. The aim is to use cognition as a lever for improving the quality of food in children.
The exploratory research project is divided into 3 phases:

  • Literature review and inventory of research in neurosciences, nutrition and socio-anthropology of food concerning taste education.
  • Screening of research actors in the field of cognition/nutrition in all disciplines: neurosciences, education sciences, food sciences, socio-anthropology of food, etc.
  • Conducting interviews with key players in research and operations on taste education to prefigure a research-action project.

The objective of this scientific exploration is to better understand the link between the sensory and cognitive dimensions of food, with the aim of improving children’s nutrition. A research-action project with hypotheses to be verified in the actual environment could then be developed as a result of this study.

SUPPORT neuro-education in Africa, Ana-Nour

The Nutriset Group Endowment Fund is a partner of the French NGO Ana-Nour, founded and chaired by Ms. Stéphanie Delgado, which supports kindergarten education.


The support of the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund over 3 years (2022-2024) will notably allow to:

  • Contribute to the setting up of the second international symposium on the challenges of neuroeducation in Africa;
  • Contribute to the equipment of partner classes with cognitive teaching materials, books and resource kits;
  • Allow Togolese teachers and researchers to have access to the neuroeducation diploma of the University of Paris.

STIMULATE cognitive function - Ex-Core
The Ex-Core (Exercise Cognitive Rehabilitation) project is a study led by Professor Terrence Forrester of the University of the West Indies, Mona Jamaica.

  • Childhood SAM (Severe Acute Malnutrition) has devastating effects on the development of a child’s cognitive and affective abilities, that persist into adulthood.
  • Initial scientific studies carried out by our research partner show that regular, moderate aerobic physical activity can stimulate cognitive function in adults (aged 30-50).
  • The objective of this project is to assess the debilitating effects of malnutrition in its survivors by testing a moderate intensity aerobic physical activity.
  • It is proposed to examine whether the intervention improves overall cognition, with a particular focus on executive functions.
  • The results could enable a change in the neurocognitive trajectory for hundreds of millions of adults worldwide.

The results could enable a change in the neurocognitive trajectory for hundreds of millions of adults worldwide.

Nutriset Group Endowment Fund projects

They support our initiative and inspire us.
What if it was you tomorrow?

Our research partners

Foundations & NGO

Patrons and sponsors

Faced with the multiplicity of causes and the extent of knowledge still to be acquired in the field of nutrition, the Nutriset Group wished to set up this new tool, the endowment fund, to enable it to finance more and more research, multiply the types of partnerships and generate and share new knowledge.

Contact us

Getting involved with the Endowment Fund
Nutriset Group means…

Participate in projects of public interest

You want to advance research?

Let’s work together to improve academic and scientific knowledge about cognition and its interaction with food and nutrition.

Promote human values of sharing and caring

You want to submit a project to us?

Make a concrete contribution by suggesting your operational projects, whose mission of general interest is to promote access to better health and education. Calls for projects will be published on this site

Support health and education for all.

You want to participate financially in our activities?

Help us raise funds for research and operational projects promoting better health and education for all.

of your donations go directly to the projects, as the Nutriset Group covers all the operating costs of the Endowment Fund.

100% of donations are eligible for tax deductions:

  • Up to 60% for companies paying corporate tax.
  • Up to 66% for individuals, to be deducted from their income tax.

Improving access to health and education for all

Faced with the multiplicity of causes and the scope of knowledge that still needs to be acquired in the field of nutrition, the Nutriset Group wanted to set up this new tool, a endowment fund, to allow us to finance more and more research, to multiply the partnerships and to generate and share new knowledge.

Qui est le Fonds de Dotation Groupe Nutriset ?

In February 2021, the Nutriset Group decided to give another dimension to its action, by creating an Endowment Fund.
Initially, Nutriset

In 1986, Michel Lescanne created Nutriset based on the observation that millions of children die every year from malnutrition in poor countries, and that the international community remains unable to treat them due to a lack of appropriate treatments

The Nutriset group specialises in the research, development and production of foods with high nutritional value, designed to treat and prevent the various forms of malnutrition in the world. The group develops sustainable and responsible production systems that meet needs as closely as possible.

Explore complementary areas

The Group’s activity has always been based on scientific expertise and various collaborations, using its own resources and skills or in association with external research partners (nutrition, social sciences, food science).

In February 2021, with the aim of exploring areas complementary to its initial mandate, the Nutriset Group gave a new dimension to its action with the creation of a structure of public interest: the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund.


The origins of the Endowment Fund

The cross evolution of humanitarian aid, research and the Nutriset Group since its creation.

The 1980s

– World hunger is a recurrent issue in public opinion. Fortified milk formulas are tested in humanitarian crises.

– On May 1st, 1986, Michel Lescanne founded Nutriset.

The 1990s

– In 1992, the FAO and WHO convene the first International Conference on Nutrition.

– In 1994, the Rwandan genocide raised the issue of effective, large-scale treatment of children suffering from severe acute malnutrition.

– Nutriset proposed Plumpy’Nut®, a ready-to-use therapeutic food that was easy to store and distribute for community use.

the 2000s

-Faced with the explosion of needs, a continuum of aid is required from emergency to development. Nutrition becomes an intervention topic on its own

– From the notion of treatment, we move to that of prevention and Nutriset develops Nutributter in collaboration with the American university UC Davis.

The 2010s

– Humanitarian NGOs become major players in the management of humanitarian crises. Under the aegis of the WHO, which establishes nutrition standards for pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children from 6 to 24 months, the 1,000-day period from conception to the child’s second birthday focuses the attention of nutritionists. Nutriset is developing Enov’Mum and Plumpy’Mum for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Since 2020

– The Lancet published the article “Effective interventions to address maternal and child malnutrition: an update of the evidence” and highlighted the positive impact of QS-NS. This recommendation is a token of recognition of the Nutriset Group’s 35 years of work with the most vulnerable populations to enable them to be healthy and live better through nutrition.

– The Nutriset Group endowment fund will be created in 2021 to carry this mission further and support research and actions of general interest in favor of better overall health and education for these populations

The purpose of the Endowment Fund

The endowment fund implements directly, or indirectly through other non-profit organisations of public interest:

– Actions for the access of the greatest number to a good state of health and to education,

– Research activities in the field of science, nutrition, food science and human sciences and any other research topic related to health and education. With the aim of meeting the fundamental needs of populations in terms of education and health, it organises humanitarian actions or finances organisations eligible for sponsorship to carry out these actions.

The activities of the Endowment Fund

Directly or through partners, its missions are to support and organise actions in the fields of research, education and humanitarian aid:

– Organise research and training activities (support for case studies, theses, scientific publications), meetings, workshops, conferences and seminars;

– To set up partnerships with associations and foundations in the health and education spheres.

In 2021, the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund has identified cognition as the common thread of its initial activities.

At the end of this first cycle, another theme, with characteristics that correspond to the initially defined object, may become a new common thread.

Qui est le Fonds de Dotation Groupe Nutriset ?

Cognition: The process by which an organism acquires awareness of events and objects in its environment (French dictionary LeRobert)

The Nutriset Group Endowment Fund sees in the exploration of the field of cognition and its interactions with food and nutrition, the possibility of supporting a wide range of multidisciplinary research and actions. Its vocation to improve access to good health for as many people as possible echoes the operational mandate of the group’s structures.

Development of cognitive abilities

Early childhood experts have shown that, to grow harmoniously and have the capacity to reach its full potential, a child needs to be provided with adequate nutrition, affection, protection and stimulation.

A child suffering from malnutrition (undernutrition or obesity), with little cognitive and socio-emotional stimulation, will see its development irreversibly affected. This is the case for nearly 43% of undernourished children under five in low- and middle-income countries, who do not receive the nutrition, protection and stimulation they need.

Cognitive, psychosocial and emotional stimulation of malnourished children must be complementary to nutritional care to promote recovery and reduce the developmental delays.

For the years 2022-24, the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund supports the NGO Ana-Nour to promote neuro-education in Africa.

Maintenance or restoration of cognitive abilities

A delay in physical growth or cognitive development can be seen both as a consequence of past deprivation and as an indicator of future poverty.

Undernutrition disrupts normal brain development, leading to widespread dysfunction in cognitive, psychological and behavioural functions. This can result in suboptimal school performance, reduced economic performance in adulthood, and emotional and social disorders.

Dysfunctions in executive functions (ability to focus on a goal, working memory, effective regulation of emotions), sometimes lead to significant cognitive decline in older people (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease) and could also be the cause of poor social or economic performance in survivors of severe acute malnutrition.

For the years 2022-24, the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund supports the Ex-Core project led by Professor Terrence Forrester in Jamaica.

The Nutriset Group Endowment Fund sees in the exploration of the field of cognition and its interactions with nutrition, the possibility of supporting a wide range of multidisciplinary research and actions.

The 1000 days

The first 1,000 days of a child’s life – from conception to age 2 – are a key concept for many scientists, who emphasise the importance of this key period for any individual

Show More

This sensitive period for child development and protection sets the stage for lifelong health and well-being¹. The aim is to propose recommendations to better support parents during this decisive phase for their child.

Playing, singing, telling stories, exploring nature, encouraging cultural and artistic stimulation, are essential to the development of the child. These non-material and socialising activities support the baby’s attention and help him or her to identify contexts, people and useful recurrences (such as those of language or natural laws).

(Extract from the Report of the Commission of the first 1000 days, expert commission chaired by Boris Cyrulnik, Ministry of Solidarity and Health, September 2020)

Qui est le Fonds de Dotation Groupe Nutriset ?

EXPLORE - Taste acquisition

How are food preferences formed in our children ? Is taste an innate sense or can it be developed and even educated ?

In March 2022, a study was launched to investigate the connection between food and cognition, focusing particularly on the factors that influence taste acquisition.
The subject, led by Aurore Pointet, a student at the University of Toulouse – Jean Jaurès studying food sociology, is a cross between neuroscience and taste education. The aim is to use cognition as a lever for improving the quality of food in children.
The exploratory research project is divided into 3 phases:

  • Literature review and inventory of research in neurosciences, nutrition and socio-anthropology of food concerning taste education.
  • Screening of research actors in the field of cognition/nutrition in all disciplines: neurosciences, education sciences, food sciences, socio-anthropology of food, etc.
  • Conducting interviews with key players in research and operations on taste education to prefigure a research-action project.

The objective of this scientific exploration is to better understand the link between the sensory and cognitive dimensions of food, with the aim of improving children’s nutrition. A research-action project with hypotheses to be verified in the actual environment could then be developed as a result of this study.

SUPPORT neuro-education in Africa, Ana-Nour

The Nutriset Group Endowment Fund is a partner of the French NGO Ana-Nour, founded and chaired by Ms. Stéphanie Delgado, which supports kindergarten education.

The support of the Nutriset Group Endowment Fund over 3 years (2022-2024) will notably allow to:

  • Contribute to the setting up of the second international symposium on the challenges of neuroeducation in Africa;
  • Contribute to the equipment of partner classes with cognitive teaching materials, books and resource kits;
  • Allow Togolese teachers and researchers to have access to the neuroeducation diploma of the University of Paris.

STIMULATE cognitive function - Ex-Core

The Ex-Core (Exercise Cognitive Rehabilitation) project is a study led by Professor Terrence Forrester of the University of the West Indies, Mona Jamaica.

  • Childhood SAM (Severe Acute Malnutrition) has devastating effects on the development of a child’s cognitive and affective abilities, that persist into adulthood.
  • Initial scientific studies carried out by our research partner show that regular, moderate aerobic physical activity can stimulate cognitive function in adults (aged 30-50).
  • The objective of this project is to assess the debilitating effects of malnutrition in its survivors by testing a moderate intensity aerobic physical activity.
  • It is proposed to examine whether the intervention improves overall cognition, with a particular focus on executive functions.
  • The results could enable a change in the neurocognitive trajectory for hundreds of millions of adults worldwide.

The results could enable a change in the neurocognitive trajectory for hundreds of millions of adults worldwide.

Qui est le Fonds de Dotation Groupe Nutriset ?

They support our initiative and inspire us.
What if it was you tomorrow?

Our research partners

Foundations & NGO

Patrons and sponsors

Faced with the multiplicity of causes and the extent of knowledge still to be acquired in the field of nutrition, the Nutriset Group wished to set up this new tool, the endowment fund, to enable it to finance more and more research, multiply the types of partnerships and generate and share new knowledge.

Qui est le Fonds de Dotation Groupe Nutriset ?

Getting involved with the Endowment Fund
Nutriset Group means…

Participate in projects of public interest

You want to advance research?

Let’s work together to improve academic and scientific knowledge about cognition and its interaction with food and nutrition.

Promote human values of sharing and caring

You want to submit a project to us?

Make a concrete contribution by suggesting your operational projects, whose mission of general interest is to promote access to better health and education. Calls for projects will be published on this site

Support health and education for all.

You want to participate financially in our activities?

Help us raise funds for research and operational projects promoting better health and education for all.

of your donations go directly to the projects, as the Nutriset Group covers all the operating costs of the Endowment Fund.

100% of donations are eligible for tax deductions:

  • Up to 60% for companies paying corporate tax.
  • Up to 66% for individuals, to be deducted from their income tax.